In order to get more accurate results, our search has the following Google-Type search functionality:
If you use '+' in front of a word, then that word will be present in the search results.
ex: Harry +Potter will return results with the word 'Potter'.
If you use '-' in front of a word, then that word will be absent in the search results.
ex: Harry -Potter will return results without the word 'Potter'.
If you use 'AND' between two words, then both of those words will be present in the search results.
ex: Harry AND Potter will return results with both 'Harry' and 'Potter'.
If you use 'OR' between two words, then bth of those words may or may not be present in the search results.
ex: Harry OR Potter will return results with just 'Harry', results with just 'Potter' and results with both 'Harry' and 'Potter'.
If you use 'NOT' before a word, then that word will be absent in the search results.
ex: Harry NOT Potter will return results without the word 'Potter'.
Placing '""' around words will perform a phrase search. The search results will contain those words in that order.
ex: "Harry Potter" will return any results with 'Harry Potter' in them, but not 'Potter Harry'.
Using '*' in a word will perform a wildcard search. The '*' signifies any number of characters. Searches can not start with a wildcard.
ex: Pot*er will return results with words starting with 'Pot' and ending in 'er'. In this case, 'Potter' will be a match.
For fans of Holly Black and Stephanie Garber, a new young adult fantasy trilogy from the NYT bestselling author of Frostblood. As a child, fey princess Klara snuck out of her father's castle and did the forbidden: she befriended a demon boy. On their third meeting, her new friend Zeru gave her a demonstone ring. He thought it was one of many in his mother's jewelry box, not to be missed. But the trinket was actually a dangerous and powerful artifact, which the demon queen will stop at nothing to get back. Now, with the demons mounting attacks to retrieve the ring, the conflict between demons and faeries has intensified. After a decade of skirmishes, the demon army draws ever closer to the faerie stronghold. Klara wants to prove to her father that she is worth more than the demonstone she wields as a weapon. Zeru, her childhood friend, now enemy, has been waiting for the right opportunity to get the ring back and right the wrong he did to his people.