In order to get more accurate results, our search has the following Google-Type search functionality:
If you use '+' in front of a word, then that word will be present in the search results.
ex: Harry +Potter will return results with the word 'Potter'.
If you use '-' in front of a word, then that word will be absent in the search results.
ex: Harry -Potter will return results without the word 'Potter'.
If you use 'AND' between two words, then both of those words will be present in the search results.
ex: Harry AND Potter will return results with both 'Harry' and 'Potter'.
If you use 'OR' between two words, then bth of those words may or may not be present in the search results.
ex: Harry OR Potter will return results with just 'Harry', results with just 'Potter' and results with both 'Harry' and 'Potter'.
If you use 'NOT' before a word, then that word will be absent in the search results.
ex: Harry NOT Potter will return results without the word 'Potter'.
Placing '""' around words will perform a phrase search. The search results will contain those words in that order.
ex: "Harry Potter" will return any results with 'Harry Potter' in them, but not 'Potter Harry'.
Using '*' in a word will perform a wildcard search. The '*' signifies any number of characters. Searches can not start with a wildcard.
ex: Pot*er will return results with words starting with 'Pot' and ending in 'er'. In this case, 'Potter' will be a match.
A magical middle-grade adventure about two sisters who need to rely on their own wits and each other when they're pulled into a new world, from black&write! fellow and bestselling author, Lisa Fuller. Sisters Bella and Cienna are different in lots of ways. Bella is quiet and shy, and Cienna is always surrounded by friends. One thing they have in common is their love for the local swimming spot, Washpool. One weekend, while they are at Washpool with their family, the girls are transported to a different world. They then encounter enigmatic Esura, who encourages them to venture further into Muse, where the Summer Feast - a time when many peoples gather for a week of fun and games - is due to start. But when they find out Lady Dragon's egg is missing, Bella and Cienna must use their smarts to help with the search and bringing the egg back to safety before they figure out how to get back home.